Meet our team

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.
Maxine Armstrong
Maxine is the co-owner and audiologist at Quinte Hearing Centre. She has been practicing since 2006 and has extensive knowledge in the areas of hearing aids, specialty hearing aid fittings, cerumen management and advanced diagnostics and assessment.
Daniel Cassibo
Hearing Instrument Specialist
Daniel is a co-owner and a hearing instrument specialist at Quinte Hearing Centre. He completed his two-year Hearing Aid Practitioner studies at Grant McEwan University and he was also trained extensively in an advanced hospital practice setting.
Hearing Instrument Specialist
Sam has been with Quinte Hearing Centre since 2018, and is the longest-standing employee. She comes from a healthcare background and became a hearing instrument specialist in 2021. Sam is excellent at her job and looks forward to supporting your hearing healthcare needs.
Office Manager  - Belleville
Keylin, bilingual in English and Spanish, has many years of administrative support knowledge. She has exceptional attention to detail and will ensure that your clinic visits are held to the highest standard.
Hearing Instrument Dispenser
Jessie has been with Quinte Hearing Centre since 2020 and recently graduated from the Hearing Instrument Specialist course. She is passionate about enhancing people's quality of life through better hearing. You can find Jessie at our Belleville and Picton clinics, where her warm and friendly demeanor makes her eager to assist you.
Clinic Coordinator
Paige can be found managing our Picton office, where she will always provide service with a smile. She comes from a strong background of customer service with extensive work in retail management. She enjoys helping patients with all their hearing healthcare needs.
Office Manager - Picton
Meet Laine, the newest member of our team at the Picton Clinic, who is known for her warm and welcoming personality.
Laine's extensive background in customer service and healthcare, along with her deep roots as a sixth-generation Pictonite, allow her to make sure every patient feels valued and at ease during their visit.
Dan J
Marketing & Operations Manager
Dan brings over a decade of experience in driving business growth through creative marketing and growth strategies from a tech-focused background. His role has been crucial in enhancing our online presence, refining marketing strategies, and optimizing internal operations to better serve our patients.


We look forward to meeting you!
Monday - 9am to 5pm
Tuesday - 9am to 5pm
Wednesday - 9am to 5pm
Thursday - 9am to 5pm
Friday - 9am to 1pm
156 North Front Street
Belleville, ON.
K8P 3B8 (View Map)
P: (613) 779-0582
F: (613) 779-6045
149 Main Street
Picton, ON.
K0K 2T0 (View Map)
P: (613) 471-1333
F: (613) 471-1444
319 Victoria St N
Tweed, ON.
K0K 3J0 (View Map)
P: (613) 478-0022
F: (613) 478-0021
© 2023 Quinte Hearing Centre. All rights reserved.